Mathematical Logic and the Philosophy of Life

Table of Contents

  1. Peano Arithmetic
  2. Exploring Extraterrestrial Life
  3. Dissecting the Proposition
  4. Conclusion

Peano Arithmetic

Peano Arithmetic

Exploring Extraterrestrial Life

Or, how to prove that there are other forms of life in the universe, without - or before - finding other life forms.

Perhaps you imagine that discussing mathematical logic and the Fermi Paradox would not fit into a LinkedIn post.

I accept the challenge, with the possibility of making a fool of myself.

Given that our time is short, I present all the first 9 axiomatic sentences from the image, leaving the last line for the reader to ponder.

I will focus on dissecting the last proposition, and only it. For there lies a not-so-obvious line, which has implications for the question: Are we alone in the universe?

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \left( F(0) \land \forall x (F(x) \implies F(x+1)) \right) &\implies \forall x (F(x)) \end{aligned} \end{equation}

Let me explain...

Dissecting the Proposition

Let's look at the left side of the expression.

We need to try to contextualize the meaning of the predicates.

Predicate ( F(0) ): There is life (on Earth), and this is case zero; empirical and tautological.

Now, we have:

$$ \forall x (F(x) \implies F(x+1)) $$

What would it mean for this to be true?

In words: if I know that a condition ( F ) has the following property: if it is true for ( x ), it must necessarily be true for ( x+1 ).

In our example, what would be the contextual condition?

"If the physics of the universe implies life, then necessarily". In other words, "given that we find a planetary system that can have life, it will necessarily be a case of life". This would be the positive meaning of this proposition in this hypothetical context.

Note: This may or may not be factually true.

Suppose such a theory has been formulated and proven in a "laboratory" and replicated! And it is as well-established a scientific fact as the Pythagorean theorem.

Logically, if there is life on our planet, and every planetary system that can have life will have it. Then, in a universe with infinite planetary systems in conditions similar to ours, there will be multiple occurrences of life.

Thus, we conclude

$$ \forall x (F(x)) $$

Throughout our universe, which has infinite possibilities of life, there are (infinite) forms of life inhabiting it.

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \left( F(0) \land \forall x (F(x) \implies F(x+1)) \right) &\implies \forall x (F(x)) \end{aligned} \end{equation}



Disclaimer: This text is a reflection on how we can reach conclusions about a topic of space exploration without leaving Earth. Using logic. This text does not aim to prove that there is other life. Nor that the theory that would allow such a conclusion has already been formulated and proven. Nor that any such life will necessarily exist.

Tags: philosophy mathematics logic Fermi Paradox

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